The Goldfield Historical Society (Society) has undertaken the stabilization and restoration of the building, with the intention of utilizing it to interpret the natural and cultural history of Esmeralda County and as a community center to support the cultural and educational needs of the community. Below is a timeline of our past efforts.
2005…Rain and snow infiltration through a failing roof results in collapse of the southeast wall. Volunteers install a temporary foundation/retaining wall at the first floor and brace some of the more unstable masonry with posts and beams.
2006-2007…Volunteers continue emergency bracing, including the central skylight and begin patching the roof with donated materials.
2008…Building/land donated to a Nevada non-profit corporation for the benefit of the people of Goldfield and Esmeralda County. During this time the Society, a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation, applies for and receives a $296,000 National Park Service Save America’s Treasures(SAT ) matching funds grant to go toward restoration.
2009…Fundraising and donation solicitations begun in earnest. $10,272 in National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP) funds and $10,678 in private donations used to match $20,950 in SAT funds for a total of $41,900 to continue emergency stabilization of the southeast part of the building, including the walls, floors and ceilings.
2010…$165,000 Nevada Commission for Cultural Affairs (CCA) grant funds awarded to match SAT funds. These funds were never realized due to depressed state economy.
2011…$10,000 in NTHP funds and $1,000 in private donations used to match $11,000 in SAT funds for a total of $22,000 to conduct National Park Service required Interior Historic Structures Report (IHSR).
The report, compiled by IS Architecture and Melvin Green & Associates, Structural Engineer, is a comprehensive inspection of the interior of the building. It contains over 200 pages of information and includes floor plans for each floor as well as detailed descriptions of every room, stairway and open area with supporting photos.
Images are examples from the Interior Historic Structures Report
2012…$1,000 in private donations used to match $1,000 in SAT funds for a total of $2000 for hydraulic lift rental to further patch the roof and brace the south side masonry.
2013…$5000 in NTHP funds and $5000 in private donations used to match $10,000 in SAT funds for a total of $20,000 to conduct National Park Service required Exterior Historic Structures Report ((EHSR). Again, meticulously prepared by IS Architecture and Melvin Green & Associates, Structural Engineer.
The images below are examples from the Exterior Historic Structures Report. The report is 100 plus pages that documents the exterior of the building, supported by detailed descriptions and photos of the extensive damage as well as recommendations to begin the restoration of the exterior.
2014… Awarded $95,000 CCA grant. $10,000 in CCA funds used to match $10,000 in SAT funds for a total of $20,000 to develop plans/specifications to permanently rebuild the south wall per IHSR/EHSR recommendations. $35,000 in CCA funds used to match $35,000 in SAT funds for total of $90,000 to construct southeast exterior wall foundation. A lot of work and expense with nothing that shows to you, the public.
Awarded additional $43,000 in CCA(now Commission for Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation-CCCHP) funds and, with remaining $50,000 in 2014 CCA funds and $2,000 in private donations, rebuilt interior masonry course of southeast exterior wall, foundation to roof, and replaced mortar on much of the exterior masonry.

The new wall is constructed of Concrete Masonry Units (CMU’s or concrete block to most of us) that are steel reinforced and fully grouted.
In preparation for the new inner wall, John Ekman and Dominic Pappalardo worked hard at jacking the three floors and ceiling back to their original position so that they could be attached to this wall.